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Dental Tools in Pocket

Our Services

Providing World Class Dental Treatments in the Holy City of Amritsar

Chain of 4 Dental Clinics in Amritsar

Sultanwind Road | Ranjit Avenue | Kabir Park | Circular Road

Tooth Extraction

If you’re looking for quality Tooth Extraction, then Singh Dental Care is the Dental Clinic for you. Our professional team is here to guide our patients and their families every step of the way. Stop by and schedule an appointment to experience firsthand how our Tooth Extraction can help your health today.

Dental Surgery

Know about various Dental Treatments

Female white toothy smile

Smile designing with Veneers

A captivating smile is a powerful asset, enhancing one's self-confidence and leaving a lasting impression on others. For those seeking to improve their smiles, dental veneers have emerged as a popular and effective solution in the field of cosmetic dentistry. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells made from porcelain or composite resin that are bonded to the front surface of teeth, transforming their appearance and achieving a radiant smile.

The process of smile designing with dental veneers typically begins with a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified dentist. During this consultation, the patient's dental health and aesthetic goals are assessed to determine whether veneers are a suitable option. Dental impressions are taken to craft veneers that perfectly match the patient's natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking result.

One of the primary advantages of dental veneers is their versatility. They can address a wide range of dental imperfections, such as discoloration, chipping, misalignment, and gaps between teeth. Moreover, the minimal tooth preparation required for veneer placement makes it a conservative and relatively pain-free procedure.

The application of dental veneers involves a precise and meticulous process, carried out by experienced dental professionals. The veneers are securely bonded to the teeth using specialized dental cement, resulting in a long-lasting and durable solution.

In conclusion, smile designing with dental veneers offers a remarkable transformation, giving individuals the smile they've always dreamed of. With their ability to correct multiple aesthetic concerns and provide natural-looking results, dental veneers continue to revolutionize cosmetic dentistry, empowering countless individuals to confidently share their beautiful smiles with the world.

Dental x-ray

Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure aimed at saving a severely damaged or infected tooth from extraction. The treatment involves removing the infected pulp, which consists of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, from the tooth's interior.

The process begins with a thorough examination and X-rays to assess the extent of damage and determine the course of action. Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area, ensuring the patient's comfort during the procedure.

Next, the dentist creates an access point to the tooth's pulp chamber and canals. Using specialized tools, they carefully remove the infected pulp and shape the canals for filling. These canals are then disinfected to prevent further infection.

Once the canals are prepared, a rubber-like material called gutta-percha is inserted to fill them and seal off the interior. In some cases, a temporary filling is placed, and in others, a crown may be needed to strengthen and protect the restored tooth.

Root canal treatment is essential in preserving natural teeth and alleviating pain caused by infection. With proper care and oral hygiene, a treated tooth can function like any other tooth for a lifetime. Regular dental check-ups are essential to monitor the tooth's health and ensure its longevity.

Dental Tools in Pocket

Opening Hours

Schedule your Dental appointment with us from

Mon - Sat : 10am - 7pm
Sun: Only for Emergency Cases

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